What the Heck Are Your Theories: The Devil’s Playground, Bill Gates, And Covid-19

I’m not going to lie, THIS post is possibly one of the most adrenalin surging, rabbit hole jumping, BRAIN EXPLODING pieces I will ever write. If you have kept up with my stream of Instagram/Facebook stories since March, then you have at least a glimpse into my worldview. Let me preface by saying this: If you are here completely shut off, close minded, and refuting or debunking this piece BEFORE you even read it all the way through, then get outta here for 5 minutes, turn off CNN or FOX, google “Cognitive Dissonance”, and then come back when you have some chill. I have goodie bags with complimentary red pills at the end. Be excited!

LISTEN UP: I welcome all skeptics with open arms (Cue Journey) (unless you are #SocialDistancing, in which, I hand you another red pill). In fact, I have 0 issue if you question, disagree, or refute something I say. I do not hate skeptics. I hate apathy and passivity. In a world where we are spoon fed from Day 1, we need to become a world of independent thinkers. That starts now. How can you do this? Well, start by questioning everything you believe and WHY. Skepticism and questioning are powerful tools. From there: Research, questioning the higher power differentials, powering OFF mass media, and giving the underdog documentaries and writing a chance. Oh, and questioning those resources + OPINION columns like this blog, as well! This looks like researching patterns of the elites/big wig corporations, who they hang with, what their core values/beliefs are, and beginning to power on the lightbulb to your thinking cap, and doing what? Asking more questions like it’s a cross examination? YEAH, BABY! And then, POOF! An educated, critically conjured up opinion is born.

It is entirely possible to be weaned from a mother’s breast, yet still at the nip of the GOV. #Oops; did I just say that? The LAST thing I want is for someone to read this, conclude based off of my OPINIONS, and regurgitate the same thing. No, no, no. A lot of people throw metaphorical tomatoes at my face and claim that I just want everyone to be agreeable with my stance on any given topic. Well, let’s debunk THAT right now! Here’s me, telling YOU, smarty pants-independent-red-pill-thinker: You can disagree. But, I want you to think for yourself and back it up using YOUR rational, thinking skills vs. the mass report you heard on CNN at the YMCA while you ran for 20 minutes. KEEP IN MIND: I am not writing as an “expert”. I do not abide by one set “theory”. I am writing this as a young, skeptical 20 something, hashing around some pieces of theories that have uncanny dots (that seem to be) connected. This post isn’t intended to change your opinion, but rather, to open your mind. With that being said, buckle up, hang on tight, and LET’S JUMP DOWN SOME RABBIT HOLES, BABY!

“So AG, what the heck are your theories? And WHAT do they have to do with Covid-19?!”

First of all, I believe that Covid-19 is REAL. Very real. But I do NOT believe that this Covid-19 “pandemic” is about a “VIRUS”.

Rather, I believe that the governing body is USING a viral outbreak, to essentially control the people. If you can get someone to FEAR or TRUST – much less an entire population of gullible, passive people – you can manipulate them into just about anything. We are like blinded sheep, being led to the slaughterhouse. I believe that this is only but ONE event, that ultimately will aid in grooming us. A virus is but a detail of this “pandemic” (I’ll explain the quotation marks in just a second, pal). While there are certain demographics it will affect – just as happens with ANY strain – the media coverage, tales of impending doom, and mass societal shutdown to “protect us”…is all a twisted truth. Actually, “Twisted truth” is putting it nicely. We are being lied to and deceived, and the harsh reality is that most of us will never bat an eye, second guess, or even think to question it. We will stare into the TV, accept mainstream media as truth, and continue to abide by their standards and propaganda. WHAT IF: The mainstream reports you hear when you flick on your television, the Google headlines with a clearcut bias (and the fact that former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, definitely knew how to manipulate a presidential campaign in 2016), and the news reporters you can’t stop drooling over (Hey, sleazy men – I see your perv eyes glued to Megyn Kelly)…have totally manipulated and lied to you? What if they actually have anything but your best interest in mind?

So, where do we go from here, and what am I going to spill to you? Questions. And resources. Think of this post as a buffet of options, and I am handing you a to-go box to pick and choose for yourself, think for yourself, and conclude from there. These questions/thoughts are NOT an expert opinion, but rather, some personal observations that I have honed in on.

*Beware of Google and its agenda though, if you choose it as your search engine for much of this. You will be fed mainstream media + Google’s bias first. It will sometimes take some digging before you move past it, which is partially why I have linked my findings on here for you, so you can skip that step + have some resources to bounce off of!

Bill Gates: Philanthropist or population control freak?

Event 201. Let’s rewind to October, 2019. WHY was an event held that simulated a pandemic/outbreak…just 5 months prior to a global outbreak? I cannot make this stuff up. Event 201’s website has the entire premise laid out for you. Check out the synopsis, reexamine the events that have taken place as of late [insert: COVID-19], and connect the red dots for yourself. Oh, and did I mention what familiar name sponsored this? Hint: Look to the far right…


Ah, yes. Bill Gates. This virus can be traced back to November, 2019, and yet a worldwide “outbreak” seems to have exploded all at once? We all cowered in fear and face masks, as mainstream media depicted the cases and death count to horrifying degrees. For a solid 2 weeks, it felt as if the Black Plague had wiped the Earth clean. And then, as it turns out, UW’s Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation (IHME) has only but provided far fetched, fear mongering, unreliable hypotheses. Check THIS out. THIS is what has been presented to the masses. THIS is why I put quotation marks around “pandemic”. IS this really a “pandemic”? Or are we being led astray by a false narrative via mass media and faulty “facts”? IHME, mind you, is ALSO SPONSORED by the one and only…Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ack.



If that’s not suspicious enough, The Pirbright Institute, which literally owns a patent of the Coronavirus, is funded by our familiar friends. Bill & Melinda will even tell you, right here!

From software viruses, to infectious viruses? Now, let’s ask something else: WHY did Bill Gates step down as CEO for Microsoft to focus on “Global health” RIGHT as the explosion of the Covid-19 “pandemic” occurred? Don’t just trust me; read from Microsoft! Isn’t it a strange coincidence? Or is it REALLY a coincidence? Does Bill Gates really have our best interest in mind, or could he be tied to the political scum and propaganda? Population control through future, mandated vaccines? It’s a great question to raise. It is easy to be fooled into thinking that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has this great empathy for society, health and wellbeing, and children. Their website depicts them as “philanthropists”, and at first glance, the causes they support seem convincing. Click onto their Instagram pages, and you will even find my fave kind of photos (insert forced smile): Emotionally tugged images, featuring professional photos of them with underprivileged children in Africa, as a nice decoration. Exploitation disguised as nobility, at its finest. But then, we remember that Bill Gates ALSO is an advocate for population control. Remember to think before you speak, Mr. Gates! (Transcript to support this theory’s dissection, provided HERE). He ALSO became real tight with Jeffrey Epstein…even 3 years after Mr. Epstein plead guilty for soliciting sex from underage girls (2008), and registered as a sex offender.

Does one instance, or even a previous relationship between an elite and an elite pedophile, automatically dub the other party as such? Can we immediately draw a conclusion? No. However, it should not be overlooked or dismissed so quickly. How often, when, where, biases, funding, and the causes or engagements the elites congregate and flock to one another’s cushy homes or parties or pedophile islands for…on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS…will inevitably reveal much about someone. Or, at least raise some uncanny questions and truth to be pried out. This brings me to…

The Devil’s Playground + D.C.

“LA is like this giant dome, and inside there are all of these layers, and underneath the layers, are all of these creatures that hide. And sometimes…you might see some of them. There’s this VIP club on skid row that all the elites hang out at. I went with a producer friend of mine once. You’d be surprised at the well known faces that go in there. Inside, there’s this dark vortex you can look into…but it’s not scary. it’s really purifying and cleansing.”

A stranger in a rainbow clown wig – whose name I learned was John – sat across from me (#WelcometoLA) in my favorite coffee shop.

“Well John, I’ve gotta tell ya…I don’t exactly think of a dark vortex as ‘purifying and cleansing’….more like Holy water?!” I half laughed; half thought my eyes would pop out of my skull.

He retold stories and dark truths of the big city, as I enthusiastically yet skeptically absorbed. It was a very Sophie’s World meets It moment. At the time, I wrote him off as intriguing, but also batsh*t crazy. Much of what he said made sense, but a good handful was a little…uhm…out there, to say the least. A VIP club on skid row? Where elites go? A dark vortex? HA! Funny.

Proof that I can’t make this stuff up. You’re welcome.

…That is, until one day, I got #WOKE. Beneath the eye candy, hype, and magical stir of the city, Hollywood houses a dark, satanic, and manipulative agenda. Many dub it The Devil’s Playground, and after living there, I understand why. Even John-Rainbow-Clown-Wig dude’s idea of a flipping DARK VORTEX in a VIP club on SKID ROW being “purifying and cleansing”…opened my eyes to how darkness seems tasty and normal to many. Hollywood + its culture is among the most clever of playgrounds for the elites to utilize. The young flock to it for play, and the elites know when and where to find them.

For some, it is the physical address of Hollywood. For most, it is the flashing images on a television every night. Whereas we once segregated entertainment + fictional storylines from mainstream media…

Mainstream media and fiction have now merged. Don’t believe me? Great! You’re an independent thinker, so you shouldn’t just “believe me”! #TrickQuestion I could spout off a bunch of quotes, but instead, check out THIS documentary for an inside scoop on the merge of politics + Hollywood, the Satanic practices of the elites, and the psychological warfare of media. This is purely a PIECE of the puzzle from the film.

“The CIA is funneling information into Hollywood, Hollywood is putting it out in the movies, and the population believes it.” -Kevin Shipp (CIA whistleblower)

We blindly consume movies and TV shows, as though the ridiculous plots and storylines are purely fictional, no agenda attached. This piece from 1943 indicates differently:


“Ok AG; I get it. Politics to Media + Media to Us = Manipulation. What’s so dark about it all though?”

Alright; here’s where we REALLY start to jump down the rabbit hole! Hang tight with me though, ok?!

There’s a joke in Hollywood that everybody knows a “somebody”. But it’s actually 100% true, and a little unnerving as we look at the elites. I believe it is vital to prod into who hangs with who. We thought that cliques were just faded to high-school days, but The Playground is no different. Did you know that both Bill and Melinda Gates were on John Podesta’s email list as potential VPs for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election? In 2016, John Podesta was ALSO in the limelight for some pizza code savvy emails. Remember Pizzagate, in 2016? Take it with a grain of salt, but toss it around, nonetheless. Read some of the Podesta emails, his close proximity with James Alefantis (owner of Comet Pizza, which appears in MULTIPLE Podesta/Clinton emails) + some more insight on the Pizzagate “conspiracy theory” right here. See the elite clique, here? This is only but a portion. Once we discover some elite triangles, who hangs with who, who FUNDS who…we dive a bit deeper…

Hollywood is obsessed with darkness. And now that we are aware that D.C. + Hollywood are joint forces, let’s take a stroll into some more juicy connections. Artist Marina Abramovic (Queen of “Spirit Cooking” and satanic, mock cannibal practices and dinners), seems to oddly emerge MULTIPLE times throughout Podesta/Clinton emails. Search “Spirit Cooking”, and find out more about Marina for yourself. Tell me if you find anything lighthearted about her art and cozy “dinner parties”! Our friend, John Podesta and his brother, were invited to a spirit cooking dinner at her place. While I cannot find sources to confirm whether or not they actually attended…even if they did NOT proceed…WHY would they be connected to this woman in the first place?! Marina ALSO recently appeared in an ad for (wait for it…) MICROSOFT, until mass backlash occurred, resulting in the company deleting it. I am fully aware that Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft before this instance…but don’t you think it is ODD that the Podesta, Clinton, Gates triangle…have ALL been connected to someone who is into occult practice, blood and guts in her art, satanic ritual, mock cannibalistic acts? And we, as a society, actually BELIEVE that these people have our best interest in mind?

So, the question remains: If Podesta and Gates and the Clintons are essentially triangulated…and continued in communication with Jeffrey Epstein (even frequenting his island) AFTER pleading guilty to soliciting sex, tracing back to 2008…is it all coincidence, or is there possibly a tie between these big wigs and the propaganda? Do we continue to move forward, accepting new evidence (or lack thereof) as it comes, or do we dust off the cobwebs of the past and revisit even the “debunked”?

Taking it all home. My ultimate question is: Knowing these elites, their background, who they hang with (and the peculiar happenings with certain people they hang with – like soliciting sex + registering as a sex offender, for example), their power over media, and media’s power over US…COULD there be a conspiracy on a larger scale than we think? Could there be an underlying motive – whether the alleged pedophile rings/POTUS draining + exposing the deep state through said happenings – that goes far deeper (and darker) than we might think? Is mainstream media brainwashing us to adapt to a herd mentality so that we no longer question ANYTHING, including Covid-19? Is population control, mandated vaccination, and ultimately controlling the masses, an underlying motive of the weird, elite triangulation and this “pandemic”? Could this be a large piece of Covid-19? Or, could this global shutdown be intended to stir up the masses, force us to question authority and take charge, and perhaps WE are the “new media” resource in exposing evil to light? It’s a LOT of red dots, elite ties, and strange happenings to piece together. Much of this I still question myself. You’re probably sitting there with popcorn + a tinfoil hat, ready for some grand finale and EUREKA! with fireworks and how the world is about to be saved.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but: Remember how I told you at the beginning that this was no expert opinion, but purely my observations, questions, and resources? Well, here at the end, that is STILL my objective! I have 0 clue how all of this will unfold. Digging for the unanswered questions is a part of the process. Right now, it’s the limbo of a plot twist I cannot yet conclude to. If you have read, reconsidered, clicked any of the links, taken something with even half a grain of salt, and begun to research + fill your metaphorical to go box…guess what? You’re an independent thinker. THAT is a “Great Awakening” in and of itself. THAT is what this is all about, and what I hope to see as the new herd mentality: Pushing away society’s spoons + thinking for ourselves, one grain of salt at a time.

Stay skeptical, my friends + Happy Saturday!

“For every conspiracy theory that is true, there’s a hundred that are total bull shit.”



  • Stephanie Black
    May 28, 2020

    Dear Anna, I am an acquaintance of Kylie’s through St. John’s church in Winston-Salem. I really didn’t know what to expect when i saw her post your blog, but I have to say I am impressed that a young woman (of all people!) would write about the things I believe are undergirding this whole “pandemic”. I haven’t believed a word of the hype since the sorry mess started in February. Now here we are near the end of May and so many businesses have failed. It’s almost as if someone wanted to see the middle class collapse on itself. I really appreciate your stance here and the fact that your are a female gives me hope for your future. You are going to do well in whatever you put your hand to because you are a free thinker and don’t allow others to tell you what to believe. Be safe and stay strong. God bless and keep you every day.

  • Stephanie Black
    May 28, 2020

    Kiley’s, not Kylie’s! Oops! It’s been a long day! 🙂

  • A Skeptic’s Guide To Free Thinking: 7 Ways To Question Mainstream Media Like a BOSS – Anna Gray Smith
    June 16, 2020

    […] key players as you would the main characters of a book or a movie. I broke this down in my post on Hollywood, Bill Gates, & Covid19. Take note of who is involved. This is the easy part. This includes people, places, organizations, […]

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