Monthly Archives

June 2020


IN THE ZONE: *NEW* Photo Sessions [Greensboro, NC Portrait Photographer]

Examining human behavior is probably one of my favorite hobbies. It's not just people's gestures, micro-expressions, or eyes that I am secretly obsessed with trying to pinpoint or read, but getting to know the essence of the soul and person behind any layers or walls. Hello, my name is Anna Gray Smith, and people watching is actually a passion. People are incredib[...]



Let's just say it like it is: Breakups suck. There's no way around it. No matter how emotionally mature you are, no matter how mutual the conclusion was, no matter how respectable the breakup ended, or no matter how many telltale red flags told you to run for the hills, they suck. The human heart was not created to endure such agony. It was not created to become atta[...]


A Skeptic’s Guide To Free Thinking: 7 Ways To Question Mainstream Media Like a BOSS

Nothing invigorates my soul more than a skeptic. I am a justice seeker and liberty enthused little lady, and digging for truth brings so much joy! It is music to my ears when a former two party system junkie, suddenly begins to question the very things they once thought were normal and/or true. I can see the great, red pill awakening a mile away. Usually it begins in[...]


Florida, Learning To Play, & a PODCAST

It donned on me that Flo Rida (someone give me sunglasses and a downbeat, please) is literally FLORIDA's syllables broken down. Did you ever notice that?! Or is that just me? Maybe I'm late to the game. I'm a very fly by the seat of my pants little lady. I love structure and boundaries, but I equally like flexibility and spur of the moment adventures. Much of this ha[...]