Monthly Archives

March 2020


9 juicy massage questions

What can I say? I'm young, I'm female, and I touch people for a living. Considering physical touch has never (ever) been my primary love language, it's quite common to get some raised eyebrows when I explain that I work as a Licensed Massage Therapist. And you know what? I get it. 4 years ago, I received my first ever massage. Until finding myself enrolled in a s[...]


Andrew + Sara || engaged

"Despite everything that is happening, what is something that gives you JOY this week?" texted a friend. I was in a semi-funk, had stayed up until 1AM the night before reading WAY too many conspiracy theories and research studies and everything Covid19, and woke up feeling a little...blah. Not good. Not bad. Just blah. My friend's question - pffffft; how dare she[...]


Baggage (Re)claim

A knot sank into my stomach. It was 5 in the morning, we were running late to the airport, my significant (at that time) had 0 clue that I actually was moving back to California and planning to surprise him, and though I felt a little uneasy about launching myself back into the place that broke my heart just months prior...I had caught a second wind; much like when I[...]


Social distance survival guide: Let us not cower

If you're starting to feel the weight of the forced quarantining current social distancing, I want you to know that I have been there too. It was much before COVID19 hit, but it brings me back to a time where the quietness was unbearable, and the isolation was intense. If this is you today: I want to remind you to take heart, keep faith, and with a heaping tablespoon[...]


Through my lens

What a week. One minute, life is merry and happy go lucky. The next? Everything is on lockdown. Everyone is freaking out. And every grocery store is out of toilet paper, water, and from my experience today, apparently purple cabbage too. Seriously - what's with the purple cabbage shortage?! Ah; yes. #COVID19. In which people frantically (and sometimes aimlessly and q[...]


Running, (not running from) #covid19, and why i’m def not putting my “best life” on hold

I'll bet you you primarily clicked on this link because your bloodhound nose was like *SNIFFS* "SHE'S GOING TO TALK ABOUT CORONAVIRUS!", eh? ;) If you want a couple of fear mongering paragraphs with a mortality rate, you're in the wrong spot. Or, if you're on the opposite end of the spectrum, and assume that because I think more on the "functional" end of medicine/he[...]


not all cheerleaders need pom poms

"I NEED YOUR HELP. BEFORE I FREAK OUT," A frantic text popped up on my phone's group chat labeled "The Sisterhood Triangle", as I was cleaning my room/having a Spotify #partay. 3 of us are in that chat. I prepared for the worst. I sat down, waiting for the grey speech bubble to finish (Sidenote: Raise your hand if you've ever dealt w/conflict or an anticipated res[...]


the prodigal city girl

There's someone sitting in this room...and your family has been faithfully PRAYING for you to come home. Someone in here NEEDS to go home. Little did I know - as I sat front row, dead and center in the church's auditorium, hair messy, running clothes still damp from sweat - that those words were being spoken to me. I always thought of a prodigal as purely the[...]