Monthly Archives

May 2020


When No One Else Shows Up: YOU CAN

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but people are going to be your ultimate letdown at some point in time. People are going to bail. People are going to do a half assed job. People are going to chronically forget. People are going to commit and fail to follow through. And sometimes, people just won't show up at all. My downfall has always been the[...]



I've been writing/drafting up a storm here lately, but this eve, I have less words and a whole array of photographical eye candy. It has been so healing to create through my lens again. 2018 - and especially 2019 - were the most stressful 2 years of my life. During that time, I lost my voice in every which way. I gave up so many pieces of myself, and my camera was on[...]


This “Fat” Body

For nearly 6 years, I was a slave to perfection, unattainable standards, and an insatiable obsession to be skinny, and to feel weightless. The bar felt like it was always raised so high, and I could never quite reach it. You see... When I turned 17, everything changed. It's like I went through a time capsule in a handful of months. No; I'm serious. I got my period[...]


Rear Window: Hindsight Doesn’t Have to Be Haunting

My alarm buzzed at 5AM. My stomach churned. All of the bags that were once packed with ambition and hopes and dreams, now served as a painful reminder of unfulfilled expectations. I brewed one last pour over on my tiny LA apartment's countertop. "Am I really doing this?" It felt like sneaking around; running like hell from a toxic relationship or person. Only, it was[...]