Monthly Archives

December 2020


Merry Christmas, Sojourner

As I sit here on Christmas morning inhaling coffee, I find myself in deep reflection. Is this not the most peculiar Holiday season we've ever experienced? Or maybe that's just me. If that's you too though, welcome to the VIP club! 2020 has already been the weirdest year in the history of my 24 years of living ever, but something about the anticipation of the Holid[...]


Tiny Houses, A Holiday in the Sun, & Fireside Chats

The Holidays are bittersweet for me. I think it's because I seem to fail at the department of warm fuzzies that culture indicates I must feel. Christmastime almost feels like an illusion - or at least the materialized version of what this era dubs it as. I lived for it as a child, but as I grew and my eyes were opened, the Holidays weirdly exposed my loneliness. Even[...]