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April 2020


The Scarlet Letter(s): D.N.F.

(Written 10/30/19) In my perfect mind, this title would be more like: "I AM BOSTON QUALIFIED AND NOW I'M TRAINING FOR A SUB 3:00:00!!!!"  But alas, if anything lately, I have learned that reality has quite a funny way of smashing lofty expectations. In case you're foreign to the term "DNF" it translates to: Did Not Finish. As in - you quit during the[...]


Easy Speed, 2 DIY Recovery Drinks, + Bonfire Church

I don't even know what day it is. Do you? No; I'm serious. I literally almost titled this "Fastbraid Friday" (Insta search #FastBraidFriday and you'll catch on), until I remembered it was Thursday. Wait. What? OHHH; right. Wednesday. It is Wednesday, right? Right. Happy Hump Day! A friend from my sisterhood tribe and I were phone chatting yesterday, and I confesse[...]


Strength In Sisterhood

Last week was flipping ROUGH. Imagine every aspect of a young woman's life being off kilter. Yeah; that was me. From my body image to my love life to cancelling everything to a nervous-overwhelmed-estrogen-breakdown in my church parking lot, it was quite the eye candy. And then, a baby cherub in the form of the most beautiful snail mail from TX floated to my mailbox.[...]


What the Heck Are Your Theories: The Devil’s Playground, Bill Gates, And Covid-19

I'm not going to lie, THIS post is possibly one of the most adrenalin surging, rabbit hole jumping, BRAIN EXPLODING pieces I will ever write. If you have kept up with my stream of Instagram/Facebook stories since March, then you have at least a glimpse into my worldview. Let me preface by saying this: If you are here completely shut off, close minded, and refuting or[...]


running unplugged + moving forward

Something that I am learning that it is okay to PLAY. I've recently taken a bit of a social media app hiatus, therefore resorting to life updates on HERE! I absolutely love writing about the nitty gritty, grey area, deep stuff, but it also can sometimes undermine the everyday life kinda stuff. It can become a pressure of sorts to always have some sort of[...]


When your expectations are not your reality

(Draft reposted from 2019) Ever seen the film, 500 Days of Summer? I love it. Its conclusion is the kind that leaves you feeling like you've been both sucker punched in the gut, but also (if you so choose to adopt the marvelous beauty of the nitty gritty;)) thinking, "WOW. That kind of felt like real life." There is one scene in particular - I mean, ju[...]