Easy Speed, 2 DIY Recovery Drinks, + Bonfire Church

I don’t even know what day it is. Do you? No; I’m serious. I literally almost titled this “Fastbraid Friday” (Insta search #FastBraidFriday and you’ll catch on), until I remembered it was Thursday. Wait. What? OHHH; right. Wednesday. It is Wednesday, right? Right. Happy Hump Day!

A friend from my sisterhood tribe and I were phone chatting yesterday, and I confessed how much I #sucked at self-discipline in so many aspects of my life, and sticking things OUT. Sure, I’m disciplined in some areas (usually if they = immediate self gratification #Confession). I told her that starting my day by RUNNING + a SMOOTHIE to follow…shapes how the rest will unfold.

“If I run and drink a smoothie first thing in the morning….I KNOW it’s gonna be a good day!”

And today started with, oh…what was that? RUNNING AND A SMOOTHIE! So obviously, it was going to be a flipping good day. But even better, my dear pal, gazelle runner, XC/Trackster extraordinaire, Bethany, joined me for a speed workout. I am still in base building mode, and my coach has been super intentional in sloooowly adding in speed again. I cannot even begin to describe the VAST difference I have felt with dialing the miles BACK, and rebuilding my base, learning some form cues, and feeling my body accept the training vs. feeling burned out, drained, and dreading my runs. Since my injury (which, PRAISE HANDS, has rehabbed beautifully!), I have not had a crazy track workout/tempo run since December. My coach started with adding in some strides after certain runs, graduating from strides to adding in some Fartlek work, and my first (sampling of) a tempo last week.

Easy speed. That’s how I like to think of it. Nothing taxing, nothing that simulates running on dead marathoning legs, no strenuous workouts at 5k or interval pace…just enough of an edge to be uncomfortable, yet easily attainable. I texted Bethany to see if she’d be down for some easy speed: 6 miles with 3×3, 2, 1 minute(s) @ 7:40-7:50 pace, with a 1 minute recovery in between. And PRAISE HANDS, my speedy friend was down!

Ya know you’re destined to be running buds, when you show up in #twinning neon tanks, braided hair, Feetures socks, and find out you mutually struggle with tight calves, on top of it all. Oh, and all unplanned. What can I say? Great minds!

Feetures FTW!

The run was glorious. 50 degrees, backroads (never thought I’d say that, until I moved to Los Angeles), early morning sunlight, and motivating each other up the zillion hills. Oh yeah; did I mention there were hills?! Yeah; there were a whole lotta hills. I have a love/hate relationship with them. Bethany tackles them like a pro. She can run at 7:40 pace, breathe, converse, AND power up every single one. I’m still learning this juggle! A running buddy AND dynamic duo-ing the braids though? Unstoppable forces.

Running has brought so much joy these past few months. It’s my thinking time, bonding time, praying time, spiritual “EUREKA!” time, get lost in my head and forget that I’m even running time…and I love it. I also love smoothies after my run. Did I mention that running + a smoothie are how I rock n roll into the day?

Well, I’ve been caveman drinking SO MANY SMOOTHIES. I’m frequently asked about recovery/nutrition (both in which I’m still learning what works for me, and what does not!), but a few days ago, a friend requested some of my GO TO drinks for energy. So, let’s talk about that!

Post speed workout coconut water. Not seen: Salt + sweat burns on a tired AG’s face.

First off: I like easy. Simple. EFFICIENT. I am a “The less ingredients, the better” kinda gal. For years, I struggled with post run recovery. My appetite is pretty poor after a hard workout or long run, and so it’s been a challenge to figure out what my stomach can handle best. Nothing is worse than gatorade-puke-sensations refluxing in the back of the throat, AmIRight?! I have been super enjoying this 3 ingredient (yes; ONLY 3) electrolyte recovery drink. SO, I present to you:

Coconut Berry Sports Drink

  • 1.5 cups Coconut Water
  • 1/2 cup juice blend (NOT from concentrate – a berry juice is my fave!)
  • 1/8 tsp himalayan salt

Voila! That’s literally it. No refined sugar or red dye to sucker punch my stomach + make my bowels quiver. Budget friendly. EASY, SIMPLE, AND EFFICIENT! And tasty. Think Capri Sun vibes. Win/win, baby!

This next one is affectionately named after a dear friend of mine’s health mentor, Kermit. He was one of her first GO TO people, as she began her health journey in literally curing her cancer (this is a story I hope to podcast, once I launch it! God was ALL. OVER. her story, and it is incredible) by way of holistic, integrative care. Kermit told her, “Drink this every single day.” It was another (easy, simple, efficient) blend of spinach, banana, apple, water, and ice. Every morning. She is now one of MY “Go to” health mentors, and so I adapted the original Kermit Green Smoothie along with a fabulous juice in Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.

Personal testament: This one is probably my FAVE. When I was experiencing some rather traumatic events in Los Angeles + lived many days of my stomach digesting itself…THIS is what kept the brain fog lifted and my body functioning. It was tasty, nourishing, gentle on my stomach, and a perfect boost to begin the day. Trying to cut caffeine? Try this. It’s tangy zest + earthy, enriching blend feels like a crunchy mama energy shot. Oh, and if you had a binge night or wild weekend…it will clean your gut OUT. BAM!


  • 1 apple
  • 1 frozen banana
  • Handful of kale or spinach
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1″ knob fresh ginger
  • coconut water
  • ice

“Social Distance” life has looked much like this, in many aspects…

Cyber Church + coffee in my favorite eclectic, cozy home (aka a safe haven/slice of Heaven on Earth). A few weeks ago, a friend and I sat by a fire he kindled. Under the night’s sky, we recalled many past experiences within the church.

“I don’t understand why people think that going into a building every Sunday is the only way to experience God,” he stated.

I didn’t disagree. In fact, I agreed entirely.

“For me,” I replied, “I don’t go to church every Sunday because I’m trying to check it off a list, or because I think it somehow makes me a great person. I go because I need the PEOPLE. And the people ARE the church. I can go in broken, messy, and imperfect, and the people are who have carried me through my absolute darkest seasons…are who speak truth, hold me accountable, and love me, despite my mess.”

Though his words seemed to come from a place of woundedness, he raised a good point. Our conversation shifted in a way I did not expect. Without even realizing it, he exposed just WHY we need to do MORE than merely step into a building, wear pretty clothes, and legalistically hang brick and mortar CHURCH over someone’s head as the ultimate way to “experience” God. I believe that Covid-19 has made those scales fall from many eyes. God is OMNIPRESENT. He cannot be contained in a “box”. And He certainly is not confined to a MAN MADE BUILDING…even when “church” is cancelled. Amen?!

And so, from me to you: Remember that. I know that Cyber church is not what we were created for. I know “Brick and mortar” church being cancelled might feel like losing a Holy point or 2. I get it. But, I believe that this craving for togetherness is such an awakening. In a season where we are not IN the church…go OUT and BE the Church. Reach out to somebody. Invite them over for coffee. Speak LIFE. Rebuke the Enemy on their behalf. Go and press into your God given talents and gifts. Share something with somebody. In a time where we could just as easily wallow, let’s remember to be SALT and LIGHT.

Happy Wednesday, dear pals!



  • Madison
    April 23, 2020

    Love you love you love you. Amen to everything you said in your last paragraph about being the church! Alsoooo you’re an absolute legend. Totally amazing at running and I can’t wait to run with you again someday! ❤️

  • Renee Kennedy
    April 23, 2020

    Yes! From running to shakes to what church is really. Speak LIFE!

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